Digital Marketing
Tactics Of Social Media Marketing To Get More Business

The most pleasing way to attract new customers and entertain the old customers is making the use of social media marketing to boost up the sales.
Well.. The techno-savvy generation is highly dependent on social media apps and platforms and the companies are provided with the perfect chance to boost up the sales.
Social media marketing is the most crucial way for businesses to make an advancement and attract new customers through their social media concepts and campaigns.
Marketing on social media platforms gets bearable in two different ways :
1. Direct Marketing
The concepts and social media campaigns must be designed in a way keeping in mind the targeted audience and their desires from the campaigns.
2. Indirect Marketing
The concepts and campaigns which are flourishing across the social media platforms are targeted specifically for highlighting their products and their values rather than targeting the needs of the audience.
This new way of marketing is Cat’s pajamas…
The ginormous category of individuals helps the businesses to come up with new strategies and tactics which get adopted by the people as they can directly interact with the brands on the same social media platforms.
Alright.. Enough of its uses and feedback – What is social media marketing exactly?
Social media marketing is the form of internet business which involves creating content and stories on social media platforms to achieve your branding and organizational goals.
Oh ok.. Enough of the discussion is made on social media benefits and its definition.
Now let’s dig deeper into getting the best possible outcomes of social media marketing and the ways to channelize the tricks and tactics.
3) Plan Your Start
Consider the organisational goals and plan accordingly.
All you have to do is make a fresh start by defining the objectives of the social media concepts and campaigns.
The tactics and strategies must be made before making any concept of social media and before starting any stories.
Though it might appear fun at the beginning, trust me strategies are the key to channelize your social media concepts and campaigns to get the desired results.
Even I started a social media campaign without knowing the target audience and the client’s services.
Stop! Don’t judge me it was my first week of job in digital marketing.
Ask yourself questions such as :
Who’s your target audience?
What is the sole purpose of social media and what triggers you for using it?
What’s the need?
Which platform of social media; You would be using?
Answering all these questions will develop basic ideas: what needs to be improved and which are the strategies that you will be framing to get the desired results.
In short, Your SWOT analysis will get performed which will drive you towards your destined place.
For instance, The tours and travels agencies and business providers can get their business from instagram and pinterest.
While on the other hand, IT services and several other types of business needs to express their words for their services and for them Twitter and Facebook are the perfect examples.
How Social Media Marketing Can Help In Achieving The Desired Outcome?
Social media marketing can assist in achieving the number of goals for the company.
1. Increasing the website traffic
2. Channelizing interaction between companies and customers.
3. Raising the brand awareness
4. Creating an identity for the brand and recognition of its name.
5. Improving the communication gap between its customers and enhancing the user experience.
Alright.. The list gets much larger and larger
The bigger audience of social media platforms will help you to decide which are the best possible ways to frame out the next marketing tactics for the targeted audience.
We came to know the possibilities but now which social media platform should be adopted?
Each and every social media platform has its unique user-base and environment and it totally depends upon their different products and services which is the most preferred platform for their marketing.
Just pretend to be – Bob the Builder and build your strategies for different social media platforms.
1. Facebook
The ease and convenience which gets provided by facebook to all its users is creating wonders and it also facilitates the digital marketing analysts to plan their strategies at an ease.
It’s just that simple.
Creating a facebook business fan page is what all you need.
You just need to be much careful and much attention is to be paid to the layout option.
Visuals and graphics are the best proven ways to grab the attention of the individuals.
Keeping the tone much lighter and simplified words are the key components which triggers the minds of marketers.
Facebook is a kind of platform where individuals chat with their friends.
Organic reach on Facebook can get restricted and limited so creating a cost-effective facebook strategy ad is the major need of an hour.
2. Pinterest
Pinterest has been officially declared as the rapid growing social media marketing trends.
Pinterest is the new bae .. though I don’t mean it in a romantic way but here it stands Best Advertisement for everything.
Though it is idealistic for the retailers as they reap maximum rewards.
But anyone can get advantages for social media purposes or sales driving ads.
It permits the industries to reveal their products and services they offer by building brand personality with eye-catching and unique pin boards.
Pinterest Strategies must be developed and the targeted audience must be its primary focus and let me be more specific that the majority of its audience are females.
If that’s your type ; Pinterest is the perfect platform which matches your interest.
3. Google+
Yes, You’re guessing it right; Facebook entered the market as facebook competitor but now it has developed its own platform which entertains the specific kinds of community who are active on Google+.
Uploading photos and videos are the same features which are available on Google+ just like facebook.
Google+ provides the users to break down their different categories of followers into various fragments and circles can be created where the user excludes all the unwanted followers.
Yes.. Google+ has announced its plans to retire.. So Guys and Girls plan your strategies accordingly.
4) Twitter
Twitter is the social media marketing tool which lets you broadcast your updates all across the web.
The major social media trends start from twitter and then it reaches to other social platforms.
Following various users of the same industry “ Tweeters ”, you can also gain the perfect stream of followers in return.
Official declaration of discounts, offers, news and fun gets on twitter in a much faster way and it’s one of the most opted ways by the business owners to target their customers.
Retweet the tweet and repeat.. To provide the best user experience and solve the queries in the tweets as and when needed.
5. LinkedIn
It is one of the social media platforms which is highly used by professionals.
LinkedIn groups are great venues for getting into professional dialogue with people who are from the same industries and offers a platform to such professionals to share the content with like-minded people.
It is also the most preferred way for posting the jobs and building new networks of the same employees.
Last but not the least.. Not the platform but the tools
Location-Based Social Media Tools
Social media platforms must be used in a manner which upgrades your brand value along with that it must provide the best user experience to keep the customers loyal towards the particular app.
Social media platforms such as Yelp and Foursquare are the perfect kickstarts for brick and mortar industries to integrate social media marketing.
Well… Yeah, You must use the social media platforms according to the targeted audience and platform’s convenience and ease.
Marketing on social media is like catching a Leptophilypnion pusillus in the large ocean of competitors.
I know that you don’t know what the above scientific word means .. Google it buddy!
The Last Sentence
Each and every strategy and social media platforms can provide the maximum and desired benefit. It just needs 4p’s – Perfection, Practicality, Platform and Patience.
Perfection is needed while framing the strategies for developing or starting a social media campaign on a new platform.
Practicality of approach is the must-have feature in marketers when they have their targeted audience to broadcast their products and services.
Platform of channelizing their campaigns whether it appears to the marketers that facebook or any other media can help them achieve their desired result with an ease or they need to use another platform.
Patience ; You reap what you sow.. Just be patient and wait for the results after successfully running the social media campaign.
Author Bio
Krunal Soni is the founder and CEO of Thrillax Private Limited, a digital marketing company. His expertise and 15+ years of experience in every category of digital marketing has brought him clients and their continuous faith and trust helped him to boost up their sales in this digitalized world. Such trust and positive feedback from his clients has been the major factor of motivation which challenges him to perform tasks in a more competitive manner.